Business Coaching in Berlin

#Dream Job

Business Coaching for satisfaction at work

Feeling that your work is meaningful and makes sense, engaging yourself, and realizing your potentional without overloading yourself; finding your way towards appreciation, support, and development; getting along well with others, creating something together and working in a constructive and solution-oriented manner—that’s what many people dream of. Book now your individual Business Coaching for more satisfaction at work.

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Your individual Business Coaching process

I support individuals and teams to achieve their professional goals, as well as managers and companies who want to create a work atmosphere that enables successful work that makes the most of their employees’ potentials.
For each client I design an individual business coaching process.

Here, I make use of the experiences I have gathered in the previous stages of my professional career—both in large companies as well as in smaller, “start up”-like companies—both at home and abroad. In my roles I experienced different perspectives as both a team member, as well as a team leader, and I know the challenges that different forms of organization (e.g. co-lead, matrix structure) bring with them.

Problems and conflicts are never detached from the environment in which someone is and the system in which one lives and works. In my coaching, I always try to include this perspective, because processes of change can only be anchored sustainably when we take this into account. A better understanding can be created by role analysis and swapping perspectives and, at the same time, this approach helps you to strengthen your own position and to advocate for your own needs clearly.