Schmidtke Coaching for Life and Business Coaching in Berlin
"Coaching is a forward-looking and solution-oriented process for people who seek the change."

Claudia Schmidtke

#Quality Of Life

Life & Business Coaching in Berlin

How would it feel living the life that you REALLY want?

A life in which you have the feeling that you are in the right place, surrounded by people who are good for you. With tasks that make sense, with perspective and exciting challenges, while using your strengths?

We often feel forced into the routine that work and family bring with them. We fight with the same problems again and again. We come to terms with unsatisfactory jobs and arduous relationships. It all doesn’t seem so great and yet we don’t know where to begin to change things.

But you are here. You have already taken a next step by deciding for yourself that something must finally change. You want to to a Life or Business Coaching in Berlin and are looking for strength and motivation on the path to true quality of life.

Achieving Goals

Successful Change Through Life & Business Coaching

An individual Life & Business coaching helps you to recognize and to work specifically on what you really want to achieve. These can take on very different forms, depending on which stage of life you find yourself in or which challenges you currently find yourself facing:

  • Motivation and Fullfillment at work, Finding your dream job
  • Being aware of your own strength and using them
  • Purposeful work, Leading a meaningful life
  • Getting involved with something close to your heart
  • Starting your own project, working self-employed
  • Fulfilling a long-term wish
  • Moving out of town, traveling the world, experience life in another country…
  • Resolving a longstanding conflict that has been troubling you
  • Taking on a difficult conversation
  • Stand up for yourself – in private life or at work
  • Releasing inner blockages, breaking up disruptive thought patterns

I am convinced that coaching can sustainably support change processes and increase the quality of life.

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Coaching - Ziegert | Logo
Coaching - Studio2b | Logo
Coaching - The next we | Logo