
Professional Reorientation Coach in Berlin


Coaching for professional reorientation

Knowing your potential and personal strengths, knowing exactly which work you would like to do and how, and having clarity about your potential are the most important conditions for a successful professional reorientation.

With this 3-step coaching package for professional reorientation, we develop the building blocks for your dream job and make you fit for concrete implementation.


Your plan for professional reorientation


What you will get from coaching for professional reorientation

The three sessions of coaching for professional reorientation will provide you with a clear picture of:

  • Your abilities and strengths
  • The necessary parameters of the work you are looking for
  • The concrete steps and milestones on the way to implementation

This list of points will help you

  • to create a sharpened profile, for example on professional networks such as LinkedIn and Xing,
  • and to purposefully look for potential jobs. With clear direction and profiling, you may also discover industries and tasks that you have not noticed at all.

By increasing your consciousness about your own strengths and goals, you will appear especially clear, motivated, and authentic during job interviews. You will look at potential employers and tasks more closely and check if they are consistent with your values.

Nothing stands in the way of a fulfilling activity that is focused on your full potential.